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Best and safe skincare for pregnant and breastfeeding women

To create and offer safe skincare products has been one of my main drivers behind the development and creation of Comme Ça since day one. During pregnancy and breast-feeding, skincare and safe treatment of the skin get even more important. Mothers and their children are at their most vulnerable and the skincare products they use should be safe for both. Hormonal fluctuations, increased sensitivity, and concerns about the impact of skincare products on the baby can make choosing the right products daunting. In this blog post, I’m excited to discuss why our products are an excellent choice for pregnant and breastfeeding women seeking safe and nourishing skincare options.

Skincare for pregnant and breast feeding women

Safety first during pregnancy

Many skincare products are formulated to work their way through layers of skin. Some of them could eventually end up in the bloodstream and from there, reach the developing fetus when pregnant or via the mother’s breast milk when breastfeeding. Some ingredients that you definitely want to avoid during these precious times include retinoids, hydroquinone, chemical sunscreens that contain hormone disruptors, and Botox, amongst others. Always make sure to check beforehand if the products that you want to use are safe for your personal, particular circumstance. I carefully formulated our products and sourced the best gentle ingredients out there in order to create safe products for women in all phases in life, including those breast-feeding and pregnancy. Our skincare products undergo rigorous safety testing including dermatological testing by several laboratories in order to be 100% sure they are safe for both mother and child.

Skin sensitivity It's common to have sensitive skin during pregnancy. The increase in hormones can cause sensitive skin during pregnancy, to anything ranging from sunlight, detergents and even certain types of food. Our skincare products are specially formulated for even the most sensitive skin and have been dermatologically tested on real people.

More pigment or hyperpigmentation and pregnancy hormones During pregnancy hormonal changes occur. It seems that due to an increase of estrogen and progesterone production or a melanocyte-stimulating hormone, pigment cells produce extra pigment. This will cause existing pigment spots and freckles to become slightly darker. Because some cells produce more pigment than others, new pigment spots can also arise. You mainly see them on the forehead, on the cheeks, under the eyes, and around the mouth (some women grow a mustache). This is also called pregnancy mask or melasma.

For this type of superficial pigment, vitamin C can be very helpful as a skincare product for pregnant women. La Vitamine C Powder contains pure vitamin C; ascorbic acid. It is the pure form of vitamin C and one of the most studied skincare ingredients out there. Many studies have shown that it is safe during pregnancy and breast-feeding. It helps to fade existing hyperpigmentation but also prevents new spots from forming by inhibiting melanin production, and it helps to brighten the skin.

La Vitamine C Powder. Vitamin C for pregnant and breast feeding

Pregnancy & Pimples Changes in hormone balance can also increase sebum production during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Although this can provide a nice glow to the skin for some, other women suffer from pimples. It is important to always use mild products, as skin with pimples is by definition sensitive skin. There are also various cosmetic substances that can reduce pimples which you can safely use during pregnancy. This includes salicylic acid (under 2%), and vitamin C. La Vitamine C Powder is completely natural and highly concentrated with ascorbic acid, which can help reduce inflammation.

Pimples and cleansing

Another important product and part of the skincare routine to consider for women who struggle with pimples during pregnancy is the cleanser. Skin cleansers are too often harsh and can result in excessive drying of the skin, which leads to overcompensation by the oil glands, and ultimately may lead to more oil on the surface of the skin. Cleansers can then disrupt the stratum corneum which, in turn, perturbs the surrounding environment where good commensal bacteria thrive. It is therefore important to avoid harsh surfactants. Our La Crème Cleanser is a gentle cleanser that doesn’t use any surfactants, but instead uses emulsifiers to remove dirt, excess oil, and makeup. It doesn’t dry out the skin, but instead leaves it feeling really soft and hydrated.

Cleanser pregnant and breastfeeding women

Sun protection and high-quality skincare during pregnancy & breastfeeding Given the risk of annoying and persistent sunspots during your pregnancy, it is extra important that you protect your skin well against the sun during this time. This can be done with hats, sunglasses, clothing, and sunscreen. Certainly, make sure to avoid spray sunscreen products during pregnancy. Products with zinc- and titanium dioxide are the safest.

Last words on skin safe products for pregnant and breastfeeding women

Also, invest in high-quality skincare that is safe. If you are not sure if your skincare products are safe for use during pregnancy and breast-feeding, reach out to the brand/manufacturer and ask them. They should be able to tell you if their products are safe to use during pregnancy and for both you and your child when breastfeeding. Look for ingredients that are gentle to the skin and nourishing. You want to be sure to give your skin and body the best care during these precious times. If you are on the lookout for new skincare products, I invite you to visit our shop where you can find beautiful and gentle skincare products which are absolutely harmless and safe to use during any of these precious periods.


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